World Band Rankings

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How Rankings Work

In the BrassedOn ranking system, we categorise contests by type and we assign points to various positions within the type.

Our contest types are:

  • Major
    • The highest level in band contesting, worth the most points.
  • Major National
    • A nationals contest where the standard is of the highest quality or leads to qualification for a Major contest e.g. The European Championships.
  • Minor National
    • A nationals contest.
  • Minor
    • A contest of high quality which leads to qualification to another contest, national or major. E.g. UK Area contests, Grand Shield.

Our pointing system is in a four year cycle. All points gathered in the last 12 months are worth 100%, all points gathered in the last 13-24 months are worth 75%, all points gathered in the last 25-36 months are worth 50%, all points gathered in the last 37-48 months are worth 25%. This is due to the World Music Contest being every four years.

Points for lower sections are worth half the amount of point than that in the section above.


Due to the effects of COVID-19 on the banding movement, all contests taken part in 2020 & 2021 will be awarded with 0 points.

**The Great British Nationals Contest (Finals) is a minor nationals contest due to all bands having to compete in the area contests the same year. This ensures equality between British and European bands in terms of points for contests that qualify for the European Championships.